One more traditional recipe from Tamil Nadu & Karnataka. A simple yet aromatic and flavourful urad dal rice. This can be made for ceremonies, for lunch box or even for travel. It stays good at room temperature for a day and is best served with yellu gojju/yellu tuvayil along with roasted papad and yogurt. Try other bhaat recipes from FOI.
Uddina Bhaat | Urad Dal Rice | Ulundu Sadam | Uddina Anna
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Aromatic and flavourful urad dal rice
Author: Vindhya Desai
Recipe type: Lunch
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 2 people
- ½ Cup rice which is cooked
- Salt to taste
For Masala:
- ½ Tbsp regular/dhuli/skinless split urad dal
- ½ Tbsp whole black urad beans/uddina kaalu
- 1 Tsp black peppercorn
- 1½ Tbsp desiccated coconut
- 6-7 curry leaves
- Few drops of edible coconut oil
For Tadka:
- 1 Tsp coconut oil
- ½ Tsp mustard
- 1 Tsp chana dal/kadale bele
- 4-5 curry leaves
- 2 Tbsp groundnuts
- Keep the ingredients for masala and tadka in separate plates
- In a dry pan, start dry roasting urad dal, whole urad beans and black peppercorn. Let them turn golden
- When cooled, dry grind them into a coarse powder
- Add desiccated coconut and dry grind again
- In same pan, fry curry leaves in a few drops of coconut oil till crisp. Dry grind the crisp curry leaves with the masala and keep aside
- In another pan, heat coconut oil
- Add mustard and let them splutter
- Add chana dal and fry till golden
- Add groundnuts and fry them till they change colour and become crisp
- Add curry leaves and fry till they lightly crisp up
- To this add ground masala powder and mix well
- Meanwhile, keep the cooked rice to cool
- Add this to the pan with the masala
- Add salt as per your taste
- Mix well till everything is combined
- Serve warm or at room temperature with yellu tuvayil/yellu gojju
Add only urad dal if you do not have whole urad beans
Add a few golden fried cashews if desired
Use regular cooking oil instead of coconut oil if you wanrt
Add a few golden fried cashews if desired
Use regular cooking oil instead of coconut oil if you wanrt
Keep the ingredients for masala and tadka in separate plates
In a dry pan, start dry roasting urad dal, whole urad beans and black peppercorn. Let them turn golden
When cooled, dry grind them into a coarse powder
Add desiccated coconut and dry grind again
In same pan, fry curry leaves in a few drops of coconut oil till crisp. Dry grind the crisp curry leaves with the masala and keep aside
In another pan, heat coconut oil
Add mustard and let them splutter
Add chana dal and fry till golden
Add groundnuts and fry them till they change colour and become crisp
Add curry leaves and fry till they lightly crisp up
To this add ground masala powder and mix well
Meanwhile, keep the cooked rice to cool
Add this to the pan with the masala
Add salt as per your taste
Mix well till everything is combined
Serve warm or at room temperature with yellu tuvayil/yellu gojju, yogurt, roasted papad