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How to make Desi Ghee

Fresh homemade desi ghee/ shuddha tuppa, is very easy to make. You need butter (store bought organic butter is just fine) but unsalted and a little bit of patience. The result is a golden nectar of melted butter. Of all the dairy products I love ghee the most. Watch out for those calories though. It’s considered beneficial to eat a teaspoonful of ghee a day according to Ayurveda. (Note: Please consult your doctor if you have cholesterol or other medical issues)

How to make Desi Ghee
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Golden nectar of melted butter
Recipe type: Homemade
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 300-350 ml ghee
  • 500 gm unsalted butter
  1. Take butter in a thick bottomed vessel or pan
  2. Keep it on very low heat on the burner/hob
  3. The butter starts to melt
  4. Keep an eye on it. When all butter has melted, the fat solids start to burn and the clarified butter starts to froth up
  5. The froth begins to clear up and there will be a very nice aroma
  6. Turn off the heat when all froth has cleared and the pan has only the golden yellow liquid left behind
  7. Store in an airtight container at room temperature
Use only unsalted butter. Salted butter leaves a bitter after-taste of remnants of salt and does not taste very good
Butter obtained from buffalo milk can also be used. You will get a white colour end product
Always keep an eye on the melting butter. The milk fat solids can very quickly stick to the bottom of the pan and burn
After the ghee is done, there will be a thin brown layer of milk solids left behind. Do not discard this, use it to make sweets or heat water in this pan and use it to make upma or rasam/saaru
Remember the ghee keeps cooking even after it is removed from heat till it completely cools down. It took me around 30 mins to get the desired colour, consistency of ghee


  1. Take butter in a thick bottomed vessel or pan
  2. Keep it on very low heat on the burner/hob
  3. The butter starts to melt
  4. Keep an eye on it. When all butter has melted, the fat solids start to burn and the clarified butter starts to froth up
  5. The froth begins to clear up and there will be a very nice aroma
  6. Turn off the heat when all froth has cleared and the pan has only the golden yellow liquid left behind
  7. Store in an airtight container at room temperature
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